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joi, 28 noiembrie 2013

Seasons ~ Winter- elise blomberg

SwitzerlandSo pretty....
 Lantern, The Enchanted Wood photo via tamara
..Christmas Tree Farm, Leelanau County, Michigan❥ Deep snow, near Denver 2/3/12
deerFemale Cardinal in Snowy Tree.winter wolf❤
dashing through the snow
.. Sunday Social Club
Sunday ServiceCity Sidewalks, Busy Sidewalks

Stopped For Christmas CookiesSleigh bells ring, are you listening ....winter wonderlandThe 30 foot tall outer light of the St. Joseph, Michigan Pier after a severe winter storm. Waves on Lake Michigan were said to be over 20 feet high, which pounded the lighthouse and covered it in ice several feet thick in places.

 …if you’ve no place to go, let it snow…Oh snowman, you are the best snowman ever. - Imgur
 Winter FriendsIn the Meadow by McGinnis, Margie

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