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sâmbătă, 1 martie 2014

Best places to watch storms on the West Coast

The Avenue at Trinity College in Cambridge, England (© Alan Copson/Getty Images)
The Avenue at Trinity College in Cambridge, England
Wildflowers, Mount Rainier National Park, Wash. (© Inge Johnsson/Alamy)
Volcanic sites in the US and Canada are perfect for adventurous travelers looking for geological wonders, with surroundings that feature lofty mountains, vast forests, glaciers, jungles, deserts and spouting geysers.
Jetty at the south end of the Long Beach Peninsula with Cape Disappointment Lighthouse (Courtesy of Long Beach Peninsula Visitors Bureau)
.Long Beach, Wash.
When storms meet high tides, watch out. On the 28-mile-long Long Beach Peninsula, high winds pound the dunes, especially when there’s a full moon. Check out Waikiki Beach and the lighthouses in Cape Disappointment State Park, the westernmost stop for the Lewis and Clark expedition.  Long Beach is a popular year-round resort, awash in cafes, shops, lodgings and family activities. You can see storms from the boardwalk or the Discovery Trail right below it.

..Woman standing on rock on Cape Kiwanda coastline, Ore. (© Tyler Roemer/Getty Images)
Pacific City, Ore.
Storm watching is a community sport in this rocky outpost. Locals boast about 75-mph winds that roar like freight trains. In nice weather, they drive to Cape Kiwanda to launch their dories. In winter, they can see the surf slam into sheer cliffs with explosive force. The Inn at Cape Kiwanda will let you storm-watch with your dog. At Lincoln City, just a tad south, you can get a fancy dinner and book a view room with a Jacuzzi and fireplace. 
Photo editing by Mike Hipple


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