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sâmbătă, 5 aprilie 2014

1st Art Gallery! ANOTIMPURI

Eugene Bidau:Still Life with Flowers and Playful Chicks
..Eugene Bidau: Still Life with Flowers and Playful Chicks

Eugene Bidau:A Peacock and Doves in a Garden

Eugene Bidau:Still Life with Chicks and a Plate of Eggs
Eugene Bidau:Flowers in a Gilt Vase

Eugene Bidau:Elegant Still Life with Flowers
By Eugene Bidau French artist  


James Thomas Watts:Autumn in the Woods

James Thomas Watts:In a Welsh wood, winter

Edward Robert Hughes R.W.S.:Midsummer Eve
Edward Robert Hughes R.W.S.:Night With Her Train Of Stars
By Edward Robert Hughes R.W.S. born 1851 - died 1914


.Edward Robert Hughes R.W.S.:Diana's Maidens.
By Edward Robert Hughes R.W.S. born 1851 - died 1914  Diana's Maidens 

..Edward Robert Hughes R.W.S.:Twilight Fantasy
....By Edward Robert Hughes R.W.S. born 1851 - died 1914   

Diego Rivera:Vendedora De Alcatraces 1938 
Diego Rivera:Child with Calla Lillies

 Odilon Redon:Anemones And Poppies In A Vase
.Vincent Van Gogh:Vase With Twelve Sunflowers II
Vincent Van Gogh:Branches with Almond Blossom
Georges Seurat:A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

Georges Seurat:Bathing at Asnieres
Eloise Harriet Stannard:The Four Seasons- Summer, 1872

Eloise Harriet Stannard:The Four Seasons- Spring, 1872
Pierre Auguste Cot:The Storm

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