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joi, 6 februarie 2014

Physiological Response of Healing Touch for Animals As Leaders

Physiological Response of Healing Touch for Animals As Leaders

-Energy-medicine treatment (bio-field therapy) initiates relaxation to the body. The relaxation response releases endorphins in the brain. The endorphins relax the muscles. Relaxed muscles create more space between cells providing increased circulation. The increased blood flow elevates oxygen levels throughout the body. Accelerated blood flow allows nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently. Enzymes build for proper digestion. Hormones regulate to strengthen the body’s constitution. Toxins release from the body. Healthy cells begin to regenerate. A sense of well-being is established which promotes healing. When the body has a stable physiology, the immune system is regulated. The resulting stability within the immune system affects the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual facets of the body’s energy-field supporting self-healing.
SURSA"Pet and Animal Healing

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